
How Brands Can Use AR To Enhance CX and Build Brand Awareness?

Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the fastest-growing technologies in the world today and has been adopted by a number of leading brands. What are some of the ways in which AR can be used to enhance customer experience and build brand awareness?


The Benefits of Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes computer-generated images on a user’s view of the real world, thereby providing a composite view. This technology has a number of potential applications in the marketing and branding realm. For example, AR could be used to create interactive displays in retail stores or to provide information about products and services to consumers. Additionally, AR could be used to create immersive brand experiences at events or trade shows.

AR has the potential to enhance the customer experience by providing a more interactive and engaging way to interact with brands. Additionally, AR can help brands build awareness by creating unique and memorable experiences that stand out from the competition.


Using AR To Enhance Customer Experience and Build Brand Awareness

As we’ve seen with the recent release of Pokémon GO, augmented reality (AR) can be a powerful tool for brands to enhance customer experience and build brand awareness. Here are some ways brands can use AR to their advantage:

Use AR to give customers a preview of your products.

With AR, customers can get a realistic preview of what your product will look like in their own environment. This is especially useful for products that need to be customized or installed, such as furniture or home appliances.

Use AR to create an interactive experience.

Brands can use AR to create an interactive experience that immerses customers in their products and services. For example, you could allow customers to try on clothes virtually before they buy them, or let them a test drive a car before they visit the dealership.

Use AR to increase customer engagement.

AR can be used to increase customer engagement by making it easy for them to access additional information about your products and services. For example, you could include QR codes on product packaging that customers can scan with their phone to get more information about the product or provide an AR-enhanced tour of your facilities for visitors.


Brands that are using AR

There are many ways that brands can use AR to enhance customer experience and build brand awareness. Here are some examples of how brands are using AR:


IKEA has developed an app that allows customers to see how furniture would look in their home before they buy it. This is a great way for customers to get a feel for the products before they make a purchase.

Warby Parker

Warby Parker has developed an app that allows customers to try on glasses before they buy them. This is a great way for customers to find the perfect pair of glasses without having to go through the hassle of trying on dozens of pairs in-store.


Lowe’s has developed an app that allows customers to see how appliances would look in their homes before they buy them. This is a great way for customers to get a feel for the products before they make a purchase.


Sephora has developed an app that allows customers to try on makeup before they buy it. This is a great way for customers to find the perfect shade of lipstick or foundation without having to go through the hassle of trying on dozens of products in-store.


Adidas has developed an app that allows customers to customize their shoes before they buy them. This is a great way for customers to get exactly what they want from their purchase, and it also helps promote Adidas as a brand that



There is no doubt that augmented reality (AR) is quickly becoming one of the most popular emerging technologies. And with good reason — AR has the potential to enhance customer experience and build brand awareness like never before. If you’re a brand looking to get ahead of the competition, now is the time to start exploring how you can use AR to your advantage. Thanks for reading!

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